Monday, May 18, 2009

It Seems So Simple

What would happen if everyone in the world gave themselves the benefit of six weeks of concentrated health and vitality? I ask myself this question every day, as people come in and out of my office faced with health concerns and questions that have at their root a lack of vital nutrition, inadequate food sources, and a general lack of guidance and support to achieve their health goals.

Maintaining great health takes so little effort when it is compared to the effort involved in undergoing cancer treatment, or going through bariatric surgery, or having open heart surgery. Think about it, all disease is nutritional in origin. Blood levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are what determine how we experience long term health. As we live, experiencing exposure to chemicals, food additives, poor nutrition and stress, our bodies actually change biochemically. As these changes happen our cells become inflamed, that inflammation causes altered cellular transport of nutrients and then causes disease and illness.

What if you could start by adding two supplements to your routine? What if these supplements would make a long term difference in your health even if you were a smoker, even if you were still eating junk food? even if you were still consuming too much sugar? Two simple supplements Max GXL and Max N Fuze alter the body chemistry so significantly that their addition to any health regimen makes a dramatic difference. If you do not have enough Glutathione, your body will age at a rapid pace, if you are nutrient deficient your endocrine system will not be able to keep up with demand and will start to falter creating such symptoms as fatigue, depression, sleep issues, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

The fact is, Naturopathic medicine has been focused on eliminating the causes of disease since its inception. Max International products are a natural a simple extension of the basic principles of Naturopathic medicine. By nourishing the body and removing the obstacles to cure, disease is eliminated and health emerges.

It seems silly that we have to have summits about health care costs and become scared and frightened by the prospect of skyrocketing costs associated with it when the majority of the spending is applied on diseases that are preventable, treatable and curable with simple straightforward solutions.