Friday, April 10, 2009

Stop the Madness

It becomes more apparent every day that people are being systematically poisoned by food and drug companies. I start to feel disheartened that so many people are trying so hard to maintain and achieve health but are being unknowingly made more and more toxic by the ingredients in what we eat. I wonder what would happen if all foods containing corn syrup, MSG, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, hormones, pesticides, and chemicals were deleted from the store shelves. In fact, it would be an amzing television special to remove all of the "unedible" foods from the shelves and show before and after images as a very visual way to demonstrate just how little real food exists in a traditional supermarket.

Parents have it extremely difficult if they strive at all to protect their children from the above mentioned ingredients. My children never get foods with artificial ingredients, or corn syrup, but that has meant that they don't eat at friends houses, they can't go to chuckey cheese, or out for ice cream. It is a fine line where I sometimes end up the bad guy. One neighbor gave my son pepsi once and when I found out I was upset, she responded with "you have to let them be kids." However, I wonder when did being a kid mean that you eat poison and consume chemicals?

Real policy change is needed to eliminate the harm being done by big businesses that have only one goal, making money. Large food companies are as bad as the tobacco industry, and their products are the cause of diabetes, cancer, heart disesase, ADD, ADHD, and deperssion in a vast majority of cases. Every person needs to understand that food is the best, most potent medicine in existance, it provides the basic building blocks necessary for long term health and prevents chronic disease.

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